The website was created by the late Kevin Keep, a Tasmanian, and citizen of our great land of Australia. He commenced web site design and maintenance many years ago for both local and overseas organisations. My thrust has been towards a Christian emphasis - to those who have an ethos or a role in supporting Christian endeavours.

Here is Kevin's mission: Why Australian Churches?

As a believer in Christ, or, if you like, a born again Christian, I know that one local church (as opposed to the church universal, which is composed of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ) does not have all the answers for the needs of every believer, or potential believer, so there are a variety and style of churches and church web-sites.

Whilst I may not fully agree with all emphasise, doctrines, or structure of some local churches, I do believe that the majority of churches, whether using archaic or modern language, whether conservative or charismatic, promote the claims of God's Word, the Bible, and Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Hence the URL was born. The predecessors were pages of various Internet Service Providers. This service was commenced before such great search engines like Google and Bing were even considered. I still consider this site has a place. Yes, it is listed in those search engines, as are many churches.

About emails: I do not divulge email addresses entrusted to me. If they are publicly available on websites then kindly use them. Please do not request them from me, however worthy the cause.

I hope this gives you an insight into the philosophy of Australian Churches.

Kevin J Keep (dec.)
Wynyard, Tasmania